Featured projects
These are several projects and drafts which I like more than the others due to various subjective reasons.
Have fun!
[Gallery of Unseen]
[Freaking Architecture]
An unsupervised pipeline for architectural images generation.
[Paranoid Transformer]
[Drum Space]
[Color Names]
[Neural Network Music box]
RaspberryPi music box for the infinite neural network music generation..
[Mining geo-tagged photos]
Mining places and paths of interest from the dataset of geo-tagged photos.
[Pianola Network]
[Traveling salesman genome]
Finding the near-optimal route through Moscow Underground System using genetic algorithms.
[StarTrek bot]
[2-sided QR-code]
[Wolfram VS Peano]
The interactive visualization of Wolfram automata's mapping into Peano curve.
There are many more projects (with short descriptions) on the other projects page.